
Currently studying a Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) at the University of Adelaide, I am skilled in developing software by C++, creating web applications by HTML, CSS, JavaScript and familiar with database (MySQL), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Python, MATLAB as well as R. During my degree studies, I particularly enjoyed tackling real-world problems by programming.

In the future, I would like to pursue a career in NLP (Natural Language Processing) where I would like to explore the possibility of letting the machine acquire thinking processes and human-like emotions. This aligns with my strengths in research, persistence, and being empathetic.

I have proven research experience taking the Grand Challenges in Computer Science course in my first year where I took responsibility for my research to gain new insights into blockchain, IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), and designed a model to protect the integrity and security of data.

Outside of study, I am enthusiastic about volunteering and teaching. I used to be a voluntary tutor in the translation course of my university and attended the workshop session once per week.


Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced), 2021 - Present
The School of Computer Science
The University of Adelaide, Australia
GPA: 7.000 / 7.000   WAM: 93.063%

Courses Taken:

2022 Semester 2:

  • COMP SCI 2103: Algorithm and Data Structure Analysis - Score: 87% - HD · Nov 2022
  • STATS 2107: Statistical Modelling and Inference II - Score: 94% - HD · Nov 2022
  • COMP SCI 2203: Problem Solving and Software Development - Score: 90% - HD · Nov 2022
  • SPAN 1003: Introduction to Spanish IA - Score: 96% - HD · Nov 2022

2022 Semester 1:

  • COMP SCI 2000: Computer Systems - Score: 95% - HD · Jun 2022
  • COMP SCI 2103: Algorithm Design & Data Structures - Score: 94% - HD · Jun 2022
  • COMP SCI 2207: Web & Database Computing - Score: 95% - HD · Jun 2022
  • MATHS 3025: Professional Practice III - Score: 86% - HD · Jun 2022

2021 Semester 2:

  • COMP SCI 1102: Object Oriented Programming - Score: 94% - HD · Nov 2021
  • COMP SCI 1104: Grand Challenges in Computer Science - Score: 97% - HD · Nov 2021
  • COMP SCI 1106: Introduction to Software Engineering - Score: 91% - HD · Nov 2021
  • MATHS 1012: Mathematics IB - Score: 92% - HD · Nov 2021

2021 Semester 1:

  • CHIN 2215: English-Chinese Translation for Chinese Speakers - Score: 86% - HD · Jun 2021
  • ENG 1002: Programming (MATLAB and C) - Score: 100% - HD · Jun 2021
  • MATHS 1011: Mathematics IA - Score: 94% - HD · Jun 2021
  • STATS 1000: Statistical Practice I - Score: 98% - HD · Jun 2021

Foundation Studies Program, 2020 - 2021
Foundation Studies Standard
The University of Adelaide College, Australia
Overall Score: 97 / 100

Courses Taken:

  • Critical Thinking - Score: 98% · Dec 2020
  • English for Academic Purposes - Score: 89% · Dec 2020
  • Maths Methods - Score: 99% · Dec 2020
  • Physics - Score: 99%· Dec 2020
  • Specialist Math - Score: 100%· Dec 2020

Work Experience

Student Researcher, Nov 2022 - Present
The School of Computer Science
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Supervisors: Dr. Cruz Izu and Dr. Amali Weerasinghe

  • Research Topic: Facilitate the use of code quality feedback tools for novice programmers
  • Identify quantitative and qualitative ways to measure quality of authentic student submissions
  • Improve Pylint and Hyperstyle to make them more friendly and relevant to code smells of novice programmers

Academic Tutor, Jul 2021 - Present
JR Academy, Australia

  • Deliver content to enhance university students’ understanding in relation to relevant concepts and theories
  • Formulate plans to support academic, personal and professional development
  • Learn to be more patient, persistent as well as humble and focus on the job at hand


Java Developing | Web Designing | Blog Writing | Learning New Tech Stack | Researching | Teaching | Weightlifting|Running | Swimming | Table Tennis | Listening To Music | Singing | Hanging Out With Friends